Tuesday, March 4, 2008


This is posted by me, but is all Nighthood's work:

Once, I decided I would make a film. It was a re-enactment of Ben-Hur, but all I had were 3 friends and a cheese sandwich. I gave up, but later discovered that if I had persevered, I could become a cult hero with an unhealthy obsession for Fats Waller. Ok, so this story is fictional, but so is “Be kind, Rewind”, a sweet movie about a couple of guys put into a bad position. Mos Def plays Mike, who is tasked with tending to Mr Fletcher’s (Danny Glover) video store, “Be kind, Rewind”. Mike is given special orders not to allow Jerry (Jack Black), Mike’s friend, and an absolute conspiracy nut, into the shop. Of course, this law is breached, and after getting his whole body magnetised, Jerry proceeds to wipe every single film in the shop. Struck with the dilemma of how they are going to get “Ghostbusters” to a customer, they decide to re-enact the whole film in a scrap yard and library, leaving out special effects in favour of good, old fashioned camera cutting. This continues when a customer wants “Rush Hour 2” by the end of the day. This results in an absolutely hilarious remake of the iconic(ish) bamboo scaffolding scene, as Jerry sends small children flying from a climbing frame. At this point, the 2 guys are a little worried of quite what the people will think of the film, and, without going too much into the plot of the movie, the consensus is good, and eventually ends with a small film studio. However, due to some interesting copyright laws, all the tapes have to be destroyed. Well, that’s about as much as I can be bothered to write, so now all I need to do is get myself allowed onto the blog. Tsk.

Rundown -

Shooting: Not with this budget!

Characterization: 7

Soundtrack: 5

Plot: 9

Effects: Do tinfoil, tinsel and caps count as effects?

Variable field dependent on context and genre - Bear wrestling: 9

Overall J-score: 8.5/10. As likeable as a film about 2 men with absolutely no sex life and a video camera can be...

Very good eh? I would also like to say that if nay of you haventread my J-filosophy below (as this was posted like straight after) please read it, it was made of effort, my back is sweating...

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