Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jsnuk’s weird philosophy- English edition

Javaguy is great.

Man is an animal but has raised itself above those instincts.

We tend to fall back to war if we can't achieve things peacefully [reverting back to animal instincts]

Bible quotes maek me loock clevars

The day when we stop developing new techs is the day when we all nuke each other. Er, sure.

Why were we made? Dunno.

Lets fix global warming kids!


Lets go to space and be in star trek. I like star trek.

We're all doomed so we should give up. (on what?)

Lets kill god coz he's nature and is MEEN TO US. (!!!!)

So lets kill nature too. (As if nature was anything other than abstract, snukky)

I'm going to put a score here for the lols.


The Javaguy Philosophy:

Javaguy is great.

We're all animals with those basic instincts. Always will be. War will always exist, but never mind.

Technology and war are independent of each other. The pursuit of tech doesn't distract us from war, our higher instincts do.

World is fine as it is.

Nature is always here, always will be too. It is infinitely more powerful than us, it's up to us, as animals, to adapt to it.

I give this article 34%




Sithy said...

Epic article of epic +5

John "J-snukk" Neicho said...

my article was more epic than this, the sentences are barely coherent, i wrote 1000 words of philosophy in 20 minutes

Sithy said...

Yes, but I didn't enjoy reading it. I enjoyed reading this, and thus its purpose was fulfilled. I dunno what on Earth you were on about in your post, Snukky, so I don't think its purpose was fulfilled. Sorry.

Sithy said...

Oh, also, the world isn't fine as it is. We have dictators ruling countries, and millions dying for no reason whatsoever. Do you call that "Fine,"?

Iain "DDude" Dawson said...

Oh... my... God. OVERLOAD! There are so many point in here I want to argue about. I considered making them a separate article, but I had just written an interesting one, so this will have to do as a post instead.

Firstly, and there are many more points but this is the most pressing, “First of all, we need to defeat global warming, then we need to form one massive global country with shared wealth and capitalistic ideals,”

Well. Defeat global warming. You have just made the point about how humanity is naturally self-destructive, and since we are a creating of nature, nature is self-destructive. The infinity of creation is doomed, at some stage, to destruction. It is far easier to break something than to fix it. In order to "fix" Global Warming, we would need to overrule the sole reason why we are the dormant species on the planet. We exploit things to our advantage, no matter the cost.

Secondly, Capitalism! I am not a revolutionary, or something of that sort, but i am completely of the opinion that capitalism is a broken system, and the only reason that it has western support is because is breed a false consciousness within the population. You see, the entire workforce works ten-hour days or more, and will spend their income on overpriced "luxury" items, which are marked up due to a value assigned by the corporations. Capitalism leads to constant depression, look at the 1930s, look at the housing prices at the moment. Capitalism to not the best system, it is the system that the western world operates in. Democracy is not the "best", capitalism is not the "best", they are just the system that we operate in, and I can say: look at things that preceded us. Do we live with slaves, as the Romans, or the Greeks did? No, it has been eroded by newer beliefs. Capitalism is not the end of the road that is human progression, not unless we destroy ourselves prematurely. In a few thousand years, the world will not be a capitalist democracy. We will have moved on, or we will have killed ourselves.

This assumes that the great cosmic joke of a comet or something-as-yet-unknown comes our way.

As for you Java - “World is fine as it is” and “Nature is always here, always will be too”! You egotistical, self-important ignoramus! See above.

Wow. This did take up a lot of room. Thanks for reading.

The Javahammer said...

@ sith
No, the world isn't fine. The point of the java philosophy was that it was a comedic piece, drawing humour from incredible generalisations, showing my lack of interest in the topic.

@ DDude
Capitalism is fine.
Nature is fine.
Mean old DDude.

@ Jsnuk
Short article is short and happy.

@ everyone
back to games now PLZKTHANKS