Sunday, February 24, 2008

Why I hate delays...

Valve are taking their time. Left 4 dead is not coming until Spetember-ish. I had so been hoping for a spring release, but that seems not to be. I understand there is no hurry, and I understand they want to make it perfect, for L4D is coming with an entire new steam feature, but I hate knowing that I am going to have to wait, when I have already been waiting for a very long time...

Team Fortress 2 is also progressing slowly. Badlands arrived, and this makes me happy. However, the map I am really waiting for is Goldrush. This is an entirely new game style, not just another Control Point map. Every day I start up steam expectantly... and every day my soul dies a little. I am a patient guy; I waited for Heroes to come to BBC so I could watch it in widescreen without adverts, but when they are this close, it is painful.

I also can't wait for a new "Meet the..." video. Hopefully one is immintent....

And it is not only Valve who give me pain. Blizzard are just as bad. I am not a WoW guy, but since my PC is kinda old now, I am excited to the max by Starcraft 2. This is predicted to come out late summer, but Blizzard alway take their time, so I am already expecting major delays.

And the final kick in the teeth.. the Star Trek movie has been pushed from it's Christmas 2008 release to May 2009.

The upside, I have no doubt in my mind that all of these will be the better for their delayed releases. They will all be awesome. Just not yet....

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