Saturday, February 23, 2008

Javaserver festivities!

How did you spend your birthday last year? With some relatives? The odd friend? Well, this year Hotdog Man spent his birthday with 20 other Javaserver players, and we had a bit of a party, courtesy of tf_birthday 1

an MP3 of us all "singing" Happy Birthday is coming soon, but for now we can remember the day with pictures :)



Iain "DDude" Dawson said...

Damn... I wish I had stayed longer for this.. sounds like fun.

John "J-snukk" Neicho said...

I miss everything!

Mind you thats probably because I'm too busy writing my poncey reviews...

Sithy said...

Moar low gravity please. Shoulda stayed to get my picture taken. Happy birthday, Hotdog.

grey_painter said...

Low grav breaks my connection. But is very fun.

I'm the pyro fireballing the birthday boy btw.