Thursday, January 24, 2008

TF2 Update - Preview

Zomg TF2 is getting some new maps and unlocks. Hoping to write a feature length preview later on. Have no free time at the moment... Anyway, in the meantime I advise you to watch "A day in the life of a turret" on youtube. Stay Tuned.



Sithy said...

I really do hope Valve don't cock up TF2 too much with these updates. Balance is delicate, and this could destroy the aforementioned easily. Or it could be bloody fun, one or the other.


grey_painter said...

I have full confidence in valve to have play tested and balanced the new load outs, and to have thought of stuff the gaming public haven't thought of for those load outs. Not too difficult since most suggestions seem to be TF classic weapons or "need bigger gun!".

To be honest I'm more excited about the new maps than the medics new toys. Mainly because I don't play medic all that much and I feel a new map will level the playing field more. Everyone will have to learn new ways to play well and the new maps. Be like when we all piled into the beta all over again.